The Choir


Music plays a big part in the life of St Mary's Church and we are very fortunate to have a strong musical tradition. The Choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. Indeed, we have two robed choirs!  One sings for the 9.30 am Sung Eucharist  (mainly NEH and traditional anthems), and our other choir sings for the 11.00 am Sung Family Eucharist (mainly Celebration Hymnal and modern worship songs). The two choirs join forces for our monthly Choral Evensong & Benediction, special services, weddings and concerts.

We are a friendly choir and always welcome new members. There are no auditions, you just need to love singing. Our practice night is Thursday 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm. The Juniors meet at 6.30 pm in the North Vestry during term time.

You can contact the Organist and Musical Director, James Rushman, on  01243 582330.

The Bellringers

bell ringers.jpg

St. Mary's has a ring of 8 bells, with the oldest dating back to the early 1400s and the two latest dating from the year 2000. Our Band of Ringers practises on Wednesdays 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm, and usually winds up in one of the local hostelries afterwards. The Bells are rung before the 9.30am Sunday Eucharist, and during the summer months are also regularly heard for weddings.

Contrary to popular opinion you need to be neither strong nor musical to become a ringer. If you are at least twelve years old and would like to try your hand at the ancient art of change ringing please get in touch with the Tower Captain, Andrew Last, on 01243 586 680.